About our WI


We are a group of fun loving like minded people who have become great friends and enjoy each others company, not only on the 2nd Thursday of every month, but at a number of social events (usually involving a glass of wine) and WIER groups such as our very inspiring running group!

We can't promise to teach you how to knit, make jam or sing a hearty version of Jerusalem, but what we will endeavour to do is to help you take a couple of hours out each month to make friends and chat, possibly educate and inspire you to try new crafts and experiences...and who knows what it might lead to.

Thank you for stopping by our site, please take a look around, there is information about becoming a member or applying for a non member visitor spot on our contact us page.

Friends of the Porter Valley (FOPV), our chosen local charity for 2017 Click Here

about our wi..

After enjoyable visits to a couple of other branches of the W.I. a few of us decided we wanted an evening branch nearer to home and as we couldn't think of anyone else to get it going we decided to do it ourselves! 

We were delighted that after just 4 meetings we had got 65 members, yes I know we said 60 but it just didn't seem fair to turn women away when they were already in the queue! 

We wanted a branch that was local and suitable for working women and young mums. We had a successful first 'interest' meeting, the second meeting was even better and that was it we were going for the real thing.

We have a vibrant group, a group that is friendly, welcoming, educational, inspiring and most of all fun, the one evening each month that you look forward to and don't want to miss

When Hilary, Sue and I first thought it might be a good idea to start our own branch of the WI none of us imagined it would take off so quickly, so it was with mixed emotions that had to make the 
decision to close our list to new members. 

The committee had already decided that "small" and "friendly" were to be important aspects of our branch so the cut off point would be 60 members which gave us opportunity to have a few non-member 'guests' at each meeting. 

We now have a waiting list and non-members can come to 3 meetings a year by emailing wioner@hotmail.co.uk in advance so 
we know to expect you.

We look forward to meeting you.

for other local WI branches try

WI National federation