Can anyone come to a meeting?
Always a queue for cake!
The majority of attendees will be Members.  However Non-members are also welcome but MUST book in advance (by emailing wioner@hotmail.co.uk and receiving confirmation of attendance).

Non-members can come to a maximum of 3 meetings per year.

There is a charge of £1.50 for refreshments, and we welcome a suggested donation of £3.50 per attendee.

Occasionally there are additional charges for materials if it is a 'hands on' meeting - such as a craft event.

Can men join the WI?
While WI membership is only open to women, men are welcome to attend courses at our residential adult education centre, Denman College, and take part in many activities, events and campaigns both locally and nationally.The Women's Institute is an educational charity with a constitution that states membership is only open to women. Under UK law charitable organisations whose constitution stipulates single sex membership are entitled to restrict access to the opposite sex. - See more at: http://www.thewi.org.uk/faqs#sthash.xMkOHAbx.dpuf
While WI membership is only open to women, men are welcome to attend courses at our residential adult education centre, Denman College, and take part in many activities, events and campaigns both locally and nationally.The Women's Institute is an educational charity with a constitution that states membership is only open to women. Under UK law charitable organisations whose constitution stipulates single sex membership are entitled to restrict access to the opposite sex. - See more at: http://www.thewi.org.uk/faqs#sthash.xMkOHAbx.dpuf
While WI membership is only open to women, men are welcome to attend courses at our residential adult education centre, Denman College, and take part in many activities, events and campaigns both locally and nationally.The Women's Institute is an educational charity with a constitution that states membership is only open to women. Under UK law charitable organisations whose constitution stipulates single sex membership are entitled to restrict access to the opposite sex. - See more at: http://www.thewi.org.uk/faqs#sthash.xMkOHAbx.dpuf
While WI membership is only open to women, men are welcome to attend courses at our residential adult education centre, Denman College, and take part in many activities, events and campaigns both locally and nationally.The Women's Institute is an educational charity with a constitution that states membership is only open to women. Under UK law charitable organisations whose constitution stipulates single sex membership are entitled to restrict access to the opposite sex. - See more at: http://www.thewi.org.uk/faqs#sthash.xMkOHAbx.dpuf

While WI membership is only open to women, men are welcome to attend courses at the National Federation of WI’s residential adult education centre, Denman College. The Women’s Institute is an educational charity with a constitution that states membership is only open to women.

While WI membership is only open to women, men are welcome to attend courses at our residential adult education centre, Denman College, and take part in many activities, events and campaigns both locally and nationally.The Women's Institute is an educational charity with a constitution that states membership is only open to women. Under UK law charitable organisations whose constitution stipulates single sex membership are entitled to restrict access to the opposite sex. - See more at: http://www.thewi.org.uk/faqs#sthash.xMkOHAbx.dpuf
While WI membership is only open to women, men are welcome to attend courses at our residential adult education centre, Denman College, and take part in many activities, events and campaigns both locally and nationally.The Women's Institute is an educational charity with a constitution that states membership is only open to women. Under UK law charitable organisations whose constitution stipulates single sex membership are entitled to restrict access to the opposite sex. - See more at: http://www.thewi.org.uk/faqs#sthash.xMkOHAbx.dpuf
While WI membership is only open to women, men are welcome to attend courses at our residential adult education centre, Denman College, and take part in many activities, events and campaigns both locally and nationally.The Women's Institute is an educational charity with a constitution that states membership is only open to women. Under UK law charitable organisations whose constitution stipulates single sex membership are entitled to restrict access to the opposite sex. - See more at: http://www.thewi.org.uk/faqs#sthash.xMkOHAbx.dpuf

When and where are meetings held?
Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month at Banner Cross Methodist Church (Committee room 2). Doors open at 7pm, the meeting starts at 7.15pm.
Details are shown on our ‘Contact us’ page. Buses nos. 6, 81, 82, 84, 85 or 272 will get you to the venue.

What happens at meetings?
The main part of the meeting is a talk, demonstration or activity,

We start with a short session on WI ‘business items’ - such as future speakers and announcements and then go straight on with the talk/demonstration. After that, there’s a chance for refreshments and ‘chat’ and sometimes a quiz
There’s also an opportunity during the evening to buy items from the £1 stall to support Golddigger Trust (our Charity of the Year)

Endcliffe Park, Ecclesall road
Why do you have WI business at each meeting?
We have a short business update at meetings about forthcoming events put on by our branch, by the South Yorkshire Federation, or by the WI nationally. This part of the meeting is usually done within 10minutes as we are always keen for the main speaker to start as soon as possible!

How can I join?
At the moment membership has had to be closed to new members as we are at capacity and have a waiting list of people wishing to join.  Annual membership costs £36.00.  This covers a year's meetings.  If you wish to be added to the waiting list, please email

Why are Non-member numbers capped?

Non-members, like members, are capped because of venue capacity restrictions...
Email in advance……… to ensure your place!

Is there an age limit for Members/Non-members attending
Yes - Members/Non-members should be at least 18years old