Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Assay Office Visit 27/01/17

25 member's of our WI attended a captivating visit kindly organised by Julie Lockwood.

We sat down for a fascinating presentation professionally delivered by Emma Paragreen, Curator/Librarian and Archivist.
We learned about the history of hallmarking, and why it is indeed called 'hallmarking'

To 'assay' means to test and assess the precious metal content of an item. 

We were informed that it is impossible to tell the precious metal content of an item just by looking at it. Gold, silver and platinum are too soft to use alone for making jewellery, cutlery and other goods. They need to be alloyed with other, baser (and cheaper) metals for manufacturing.
The talk was followed by a tour of the area where the testing and hallmarking takes place, supporting the knowledge that we had now gained

Sunday, 8 January 2017

January Meeting

January meeting

thursday 12th january 2017

Katie Pruszynski
Public speaking with 
Katie Pruszynski
Katie gave us a fascinating insight into the perception of women in public life, and her time at Westminster. We also got some great tips on public speaking, including that going red happens to everyone!

Marlene B presents Hannah with quilt for Baby Basics
Marlene B held a craft evening making a fantastic quilt for Baby Basics, which was presented to Hannah.