Friday, 10 June 2016

Latest news

Happy New Year!

December meeting: 'Christmas Crafts'
We had a great Christmas get together, making small rag wreaths which we discovered were indeed very easy to make! Happy Christmas everyone!

November meeting:  'Ration Book Fashion' - Janet Stain's talk on how women manage  to look fabulous despite rationing -  it was a truly fascinating evening

October meeting: Our annual review of the year  - we thanked Cath for being an excellent President over the last 2 years and welcomed Sue as our new President.  We also made craft brooches and were much entertained by the Weir Warblers
Annual meeting - Weir Warblers - brooch making

September (Social) meeting 
we found out fascinating facts about each other- who was kidnapped by a camel, went river patrolling with NYPD, worked weather forecasting in Italy and some (very!) interesting encounters with celebs.......

August - no members meeting - we were all off on our hols!

July meeting:  Brazilian/Olympic night .... we dressed up in  Carnival gear and got in the spirit of the Olympics! 
June meeting - Sheffielders on holiday - all about leisure time as it used to be -  a fascinating talk by Suzanne Bingham. 

Sheffield Round Walk (June)

Another successful Sheffield Round Walk took place on a very warm and sunny Sunday 5th June, 35 walkers plus 2 dogs. 7 and Poppy the dog completed the full 15.4 miles.

Sheffield Theatre visits - 2 lucky members had a chance to see some of the dresses for 'Flowers for Mrs Harris' and enjoy the show. 

A larger group had a behind the scenes tour - under the stage  and via the Wardrobe department - fascinating.

May meeting - Mindfulness/Meditation with
Shaura Hall - 30 minutes of mindfulness when we could even hear the clock ticking!  That's got to be a first.

Jumble sale - Saturday 23 April 
- £1,020 raised for the Archer Project: a fantastic result!!  
Cath handed this over to Tracey at the project, who was delighted:

Thanks to all who made it such a success - members and family helpers together.

From A for Ashford through to Z - Sally had loads to show
April's meeting:  Sally Mosley - 'Potty about the Peak District' talk - Sally enthused us all to explore the curiosities of the Peak District.  She was a fund of knowledge and had a true love of our local area.

Breadmaking course in April
 Lots of fun under the experts at Coghlans Cookery School - and some delicious bread to take home

March meeting - Crafting with Laura - so many great ideas - decoupage, resin working, knitting .....

Craft Group meeting - Needles and Natter

Twelve craft group members met at Judith's to make Easter animals  for charity. Cath F. showed us how to 'magic' rabbits from knitted squares and there was lots of chat and laughter. The Friends of Porter Valley and our charity, the Archer project will benefit from our efforts.

February meeting Sheffield Street Detective - Mike Spick fascinated us with his 'street tour' of buildings old, new and vanished in Sheffield and Tracey recounted uplifting tales from the Archer project, our charity of the year.

January - Indian cookery demonstration - Bali showed us how to cook flatbreads (roti) and other Indian delicacies - and we watched in fascination (see her website:

December meeting - All about Christmas - Patrick Harding Patrick's usual entertaining and thought-provoking talk put us in the mood for Christmas

Denman New Wave weekend - November 2015

12 November - Decorating your Christmas cake.  Mary-Jane helped us create sugar-paste pointsettias to decorate our Christmas cakes.


Hat making at the Hall - October

 Chatsworth Walk - October
26 members, family and friends (+Poppy the dog) did a 6 mile circular walk starting from Pilsley, through Baslow, Chatsworth Estate, Edensor and back to Pilsley.
This was followed by a lovely (and well earned) lunch at the Devonshire Arms in Pilsley

October - Annual meeting / Cake bakers & Troublemakers.........  
We listened to Nichola's stories of women's lives in previous eras and about her own experience contributing to the BBC programme about the WI's history .... and Nichola had the experience of a WI meeting first hand and decided she might join the organisation, so she must have felt welcome.  It was a great way to do the Annual Meeting.

 Centenary celebration - 16 September

Members at our Centenary celebration at Homemade by Thelma - see Blog page for more
September meeting - rag rugging with Jules Passey

 Canal / 5 Weirs Walk
Another great 'social' ' for members and friends - thanks to Caroline's careful preparation and a lovely sunny day!

Craft group - making cards

Meadowsweet Flowers - July meeting

Liz Doherty gave us one of the best meeting ever - thanks to all the preparation by Shirley and her team of helpers.  Lots of photos flooded in, from enthusiastic members.
Flowers, flowers and more our July meeting!
 Cathedral visit - Wed 1 July
Some of the cathedral tour members

Spaces on the Cathedral tour, organised by Angela, went fast.  20 of us turned up and the Heritage Officer gave us a lively talk and tour, telling how the Cathedral developed as the city of Sheffield itself expanded over the centuries.  Much recommended - especially with the opportunity to discuss it all over a glass of wine afterwards!

 Heritage Walk, Nether Edge - Wed. 18 June
WIER 'Heritage Walkers'
Two teams from WIER went on the recent Heritage Walk organised by WINE (WI in Nether Edge). There were 38 clues to solve during a one and a half hour walk around that lovely leafy suburb - followed by a delicious WI spread with lots of delicious cakes.  A great evening and it was amazing to see so many attendees and hear how far some teams had come from for this enjoyable event.

Sheffield Round Walk - Sunday 7 June

We did it!  24 people started the walk, some joined and others left during the circuit. A total of 37 people took part. 10 of them (+ Poppy the dog) did the entire walk.

Thanks to Ann T. for kindly stocking us up with fresh water and delicious freshly cooked homemade Brownie at Endcliffe Park!  Fantastic weather, and a lovely group of people.

(Total distance walked = 15.4 miles)

For other recent photos 
- International day, the Gamebirds, Couch to 5K and Craft Group meeting - check out the Blog page

WIonER members complete Sheffield half marathon!
Well done to Marlene and Hannah for completing the 13 miles and for raising money for charity at the same time.
Spot them below (- and don't forget you can start gently getting fitter too - Couch to 5k)
spot Marlene and Hannah (and Denise - past member)?
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Recent events:
June meeting: Friends of Porter Valley
Ann le Sage updated us on the work of this organisation in the local conservation of the parks along the Porterbrook, the restoration of Shepherd Wheel and (currently) Forge Dam.